Grant Guidelines

The Milbank Foundation was created in 1995 to pursue Jeremiah Milbank’s vision of integrating people with disabilities into all aspects of American life.

The Foundation’s current priorities include:

  • Consumer-focused, community-based initiatives that empower people with disabilities and foster independence and self-sufficiency
  • The rehabilitation and re-integration of veterans, especially veterans with disabilities
  • Helping seniors to age in the place of their choice through non-institutional, community-based health and social services, and
  • Market-oriented, patient-centered health care reforms across the country
  • Programs that address mental health issues and aim to prevent substance abuse and suicide, especially among young people.

To be eligible for funding by the Foundation, an organization must be located in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation cannot provide grants to individuals. As a general rule, the Foundation does not provide annual funding.